
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

DIY ~ Christmas Quilted Pillows

It's been a few months but I am finally finding the time to post these super cute quilted pillows I put together. 

You may remember the pillows I made for Halloween. I am trying to put together a full collections so I can change them throughout the year... but it is going to take me forever! I used another Thimbleblossom pattern for these two. It's called Round & Round and it is so much fun to put together. I got so many comments on them over the holiday season and I can't wait to put them out again for next year! 

Mrs. E

Friday, February 21, 2014

Winter Babies

I love seeing our little ones all dressed up in their cute winter gear. 

We finally had a bit of a break in the cold weather and were able to get the kids outside to enjoy the sun. We bundled both of them up tight (Henry in his new snowsuit) and all went out to play in the snow. So much fun!

This was also little Henry's first time really playing in the snow... I think he liked it!

Mrs. E

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I am having a love-hate relationship with this preschool age. 

I don't love the attitude and the opinionated nature.... but I do love that Sydney has her own words for things. Every kids mixes up words or creates their own and every parents loves it. It is what makes them unique and funny and I think it's really important to try to remember some of these unique words and sayings so that you can remind them of how awesome they were when they are older.... not that they won't still be awesome. Here are a few of our little girl's Sydney-isms and what they mean:

Okeeemeal = Oatmeal
Don't Get For = Don't Forget
Twins = Tacs
Plaused = Paused
Bugaroo = Buckaroo
Hendery = Henry

Mrs. E

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Henry ~ Milestones

Our little man has reached some major milestones lately and I could not be more excited and terrified at the same time. Here are just a few of the incredible things her has started doing:

~ He has moved into his big boy car seat! Although he is still really light for his age he is tall. We have maxed out on the height for the little seat so he has moved into his sister's old car seat and she got a brand new one. 

~ He has moved from eating mostly purees to eating the same thing we are for dinner (just chopped up into tiny pieces). Yay for cooking fewer meals!

~ He has started high fiving! Not a major milestone but soooooo cute!

~ He has started waving "Hi" and "Bye". This is my favorite new thing. I love how cute he is when he waves enthusiastically with both hands. So funny. 

~ He has started climbing things. Terrifying but true... he can finally climb the first step. Time to do more baby proofing!

Time is going by waaaay to fast. 

Mrs. E

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sydney's 3rd Birthday ~ The Party

As promised here are photos of the actual tea party! 

The girls had a great time eating, crafting and making a mess. Sydney even managed to paint her nails by herself (that was completely unintentional). When all was said and done the floor was covered in cake, icing and glitter. Although I am still trying to recover the house, I would totally do it again. The next day I was completely suffering from a post princess tea party hangover. It was such a great day! 

 Mrs. E

DIY ~ Instagram Wall Collage

Admission.... Our wall gallery is still 80% empty. 

Once I got all of the frames hung I started looking through all of our photos to try do decide which ones to print off. It was like opening Pandora's box. I am having the hardest time narrowing down my favorite photo list and David has his favorites too! We have also had some serious external hard drive problems so I don't have access to a lot of the pictures that I want to use! So frustrating. 

One of my solutions to the problem was to create a couple of large collages of my favorite instagram photos. The process was very easy. I used Pic Monkey to edit the photos into a high resolution collage and printed it as a 12" by 12" picture through Costco. I then framed it in the large Ikea Ribba frame. 

I am in love with the outcome! One frame that houses some of my favorite family moments. 

Mrs. E

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sydney's 3rd Birthday ~ The Details

Yesterday was so much fun in our little home. 

We celebrated Sydney's 3rd Birthday with a joint party with her friend Evelyn. The two girls were born only 17 hours apart and it just seemed like a perfect opportunity to throw the ultimate princess tea party. I spent a few weeks putting together all of the details and crafting like a mad woman. I put together all of the decorations and food and had a great time doing it. 

I wanted to set up a few activities for the girls. We had a manicure station, pin the kiss on the frog and a decorate your own crown station(with some of my home made crowns which you can find over at my shop Brass & Baubles). Each of the girls got to take home their own super cute tea cup (from Ikea) and all of them came dressed to the nines. 

Here are a few photos of the details (all taken by Evelyn's wonderful mom and my friend Haley Shandro). Photos of the actual party to come! What do you think?

Mrs. E