
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hospital Debates

Our tiny man just got over a pretty crappy round of illness.

We went on an incredible trip to a friend's grad in Calgary and in the middle of our time there that Henry had a very high fever. Thankfully the kids were staying with my parents and I know that they have YEARS of experience with sick kids.... unfortunately it did nothing to ease my fears.

We came home as early as possible and I immediately got to snuggling him. I felt awful for him. Henry ran a high fever for four days and it was everything I could do to get any fluids into him. Henry refused everything and by the second day of very little to eat or drink I was getting worried. At this point I had no idea what he had or how to make him feel better but I knew I had to do something. This is where I seriously considered taking him into the hospital. I could control the fever but the dehydration terrified me. Eventually I was able to give him some watermelon and soon after some milk. The next day his fever broke suddenly and spots appeared. I knew immediately it was Roseola (Baby Measels). Seeing the rash was such a relief. 

I always struggle when our children get very sick. It is hard to decide whether to take them to the hospital, try to get them into a pediatrician or suffer through the misery of a Medi center. I love that we have free healthcare but I hate that we have to wait for SO LONG to have our children diagnosed. Not only is the wait for medical care horrible, but I also worry that we will catch something else in the waiting room while we deal with a crying baby for hours. This is the hardest decision. What would you do? Do you take your kids into the hospital?

Here are a few photos of our poor little guy when his rash began to appear and two of the only ways we could keep him happy.... in the carrier or eating a popsicle. 

Mrs. E

Monday, March 24, 2014

Silly Monkeys in a Basket

These two peanuts are turning into the best friend in the entire world. 

I could not be prouder of how our two minis get along. Every morning begins with a hug filled reunion between the two of them followed by a giggle infused breakfast. They spend their days hugging and kissing and laughing with each other. They are inseparable. I could not be happier with how they interact with each other. One of my biggest fears about having a second baby was how Sydney would treat the new addition. Every parent fears that the older sibling will be jealous or aggressive... I have never had to worry. 

We are so very lucky. 

Mrs. E

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Getting Back in the Groove of Things

It has been one hell of a month in our house and blogging has taken a back seat to everything else on my To Do list. Luckily, the basement is done, the papework for our nanny is all submitted and the details of my return to work have been arranged. It's time to get back into the rhythm of things and give you an update on what we have been up to. 

Mrs. E

Monday, March 10, 2014

Sydney's Outfit of the Day

I think my mom has a small obsession with buying clothes for the kids.

Since Sydney was born my mom has brought a steady stream of cute outfits into our home. I honestly think she can't walk into a children's store or costco without buying something for the munchkins... and I really don't mind. Kids go through clothes like candy and I will never turn down a freebie for them. 

One of my mom's recent purchases was this super cute outfit. Seriously.... floral print skinny jeans and a lace trim shirt.... cute! Our baby is turning into such a little lady! Thanks Mom :)

Mrs. E

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Brass & Baubles ~ Mid Century Pillows

A bunch of these beauties are now available in the shop!!!!

Check them out HERE and spread the word! Please let your friends know about Brass & Baubles and feel free to contact me for custom work.

Mrs. E

Our House ~ Basement Progress #2

As of this weekend our basement renovation is 98% done!

I am so far behind on update that I thought I would up a post or two to get you up to speed on how everything has been going. It has been a test of patience so far and it is taking everything in me not to freak out about the mess in the rest of the house. Everything in the house is covered with a heavy layer of dust and I feel like I clean the floor a million times a day so that Henry isn't crawling through dirt or drywall dust. The front room is packed with furniture for the basement, our bedrooms look like an episode of hoarders and I am having serious cleaning fits on a regular basis. 

Our carpet will be in as of Saturday and I can't wait! Until then, here are a few photos from the initial drywalling stage of the basement. At this point the wiring was mostly complete and everything had been drywalled. The bathroom had been completely destroyed in order to reconfigure the room so that it worked much better for us. In short... it was a disaster. Enjoy!

Mrs. E