
Monday, May 26, 2014

Brass & Baubles ~ Adler's Custom Quilt

Admission time... as much as I love how this quilt turned out, I wanted to poke my eyes out while I was working on it. 

One of my neighbors approached me to make a custom quilt for their new Grandchild. We worked hard to incorporate as many personal details as possible including her birth date, her name and the initials of all of the other little girls in the family. Each little girl was associated with the animal that was the center of her nursery theme and her favourite color.  

The work that went into this quilt was incredible. I hand drew and cut all of the applique and stitched it on using my machine. The center yellow panel is a soft minky fabric and the rest is a gorgeous quilting cotton. All of the details were hand embroidered and I did all of the quilting free motion on my home machine, including the leaf border. 

I am so happy this one is done and so happy that it turned out as well as it did!

Mrs. E

When the Parents are Away the Kids Play

As I start my fourth week back at work I am finding myself looking back to assess the first few weeks of being a full time working mom. 

It has actually been a lot easier than I thought. Aside from a little bit of separation anxiety on Henry's part and a few crappy rushed meals it has been seamless. Lara has been an absolute lifesaver and the kids are loving having her around. She has been amazing for them and they have been keeping busy with fun activites, play dates and trips to the park. Every day that Dave and I are working and Lara is with the kids she sends me pictures. I love it because it makes me feel like I am a part of their day. Here are a few of the pictures that she has sent me over the past 3 weeks. 

Mrs. E

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Brass & Baubles ~ Color Blocked Quilt

I have been working like a mad woman to finish some of the projects I have on the go right now. 

Like every other quilter in the world I have a hard time completing one project before starting another... there are just too many fun fabrics to work with and patterns to tackle! I currently have SIX projects on the go! I love it but man it's busy. One of my recent finishes is this stunning color blocked quilt. I used one of my favorite block patterns from Camille Roskelley over at Thimbleblossoms. You may remember seeing it before on THESE Halloween pillows. It is simple and modern and you can do so many things with it. The only warning I have about this block is that it is a bit of a beast to piece together. 

Nevertheless, this beauty is going in the SHOP today. Check it out!

Mrs. E

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Warm Weather Happiness

We have finally had a stretch of warm weather that has lasted long enough to believe that we have actually entered spring!

The kids have been playing outside from sun up to sun down and baths have become a nightly occurrence to try to combat some of the dirt and sand that inevitably trails them into the house. They have been completely worn out at then end of every day and I love that. Every time I get the chance to sit back and watch them enjoy themselves it reminds me of my own childhood. We used to run around our neighborhood all day and the only rule was that we had to be home for supper. I love knowing that our kids are developing those same memories and the love of the outdoors. 

Mrs. E

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Balancing it All

Life has been exceptionally crazy lately. 

The last month has really tested my ability to multitask and stay on top of things... especially the last 2 weeks. Coming back to work this time has been easier in some ways. We have childcare that comes to us so that I don't have to worry about waking up the kids and getting them out of the house on time. I am able to just focus on myself in the morning and that makes everything infinitely easier. This time I have also learned that it can be nice to spend time with other adults and test my brain occasionally.... and I love that I get to use my work wardrobe again. 

I hate that I am missing milestones and important moments. It breaks my heart to see Henry struggle with some pretty intense separation anxiety and I have a tough time mustering up energy at the end of the day. Meal planning and cleaning take up any other free time I may have and my business has taken a bit of a back seat. 

To be honest... it has been incredibly hard. But at the end of the day I know that I have the most incredible support network and seeing the excitement on the kids faces when I get home always gives me my second wind. 

Mrs. E

Monday, May 12, 2014

Henry's Birthday Party

Prepare for an onslaught of pictures.... 

We had the most amazing time at Henry's Birthday party and the evidence is in the photos below. Our kids are so very loved and I feel so lucky to have the family and friend support that we do. Being a young family is not easy... but these people help us every step of the way. 

We even had a special guest! Scott came up from San Fransisco for some meetings in the city. It just happened to conicide with the Birthday party! It was the perfect day. 

PS.... Isn't it awesome when an uncle shows up in full on hockey gear for a hockey themed party!?!?!? Awesome Tyler. 

Mrs. E