
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer Music

To say I have an eclectic taste in music is probably the understatement of the century. 

I feel like what we listen to in our house depends heavily on mood and time of year. In the summer I am drawn to new and obscure music that leans toward an indie sound. In the winter I am all about the classics, jazz and sounds from the 40's and 50's. If there is one thing I can say for sure, it's that our kids are being introduced to a WIDE variety of tunes and both love to sing and dance. 

Here are some of the songs that I have had on repeat all summer....

Mrs E.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sydney's First Triathlon

I guess now that our secret is out of the bag it is time to catch you guys up on what we have been up to lately. 

Our summer has been incredibly busy! It all started with the Triathlon that I run every year at the end of June. I was so excited to plan it this year because I knew that Sydney was old enough to compete. The planning took a lot of time away from the kids and Dave but I love doing it. I am constantly trying to find ways to help bring the sport of Triathlon to younger athletes. It is not as popular in Canada for younger kids so we are working to establish a few great events for them. 

We talked about the race with Sydney for months! We wanted to make sure that she was super excited and wouldn't back out once she got to the start line. I have no idea why I was ever worried about her not taking part. She is so fearless and could not wait to get going! My sister brought the kids down to the race close to Sydney's start time. I had put her in the last heat of the day so that Dave and I could abandon our positions to just be parents watching or little lady have a good time. 

She did such an amazing job. She was so excited and kept asking me when it was her turn to start. Dave and I could not have been prouder of her! She came dead last in her heat and still thinks that she won the golden medal. It was also such an incredible moment for me to be able to present our daughter with her first medal. This is my fourth year as race director and I could not be happier. 

After all was said and done Sydney proudly exclaimed "The was my best day ever Mommy!"

Mrs. E

Monday, July 28, 2014

Absence Makes the Belly Grow Bigger....

Meet my reason for the month and a half long absence from the blog...

That's right! Our little tie breaker is on the way! 

I have been completely neglectful of the blog because I have been too busy sleeping and trying not to throw up to pay too much attention to anything else. The kids have spent a lot of time with their Dad while I passed out every night and everyone has been very patient with me. 

I am 13 weeks along and after a quick ultrasound to rule out multiples and confirm that we have one healthy little baby brewing, we are ready to spill the beans. It has been a tough first trimester and I am JUST starting to feel a little bit more like myself. Sydney is super excited to have another sibling and has lovingly given the baby the nickname "Nugget". Henry is blissfully unaware of how much his life is about to change and David is still trying to absorb everything. 

Life will definitely be interesting!

Mrs. E