
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jeannie's Bachelorette

Well, I survived my sisters wedding on Saturday and should have much more time to blog... yay!

It has been a whirlwind month and I am absolutely exhausted. We have been in the midst of a million pre-wedding events and nanny preparation and as bad as it may sound I am soooo happy that it is all done. One of the pre-wedding events that I hosted was Jeannie's Bachelorette party. Anybody who knows Jeannie, knows that anything super girly is not really her style. Her wedding is completely flower free so we jokingly themed the entire Bachelorette party to be floral. She thought it was hilarious!

We started out the morning with manicures and pedicures and moved on to lunch, go cart racing and aerial yoga. We followed it up with drinks and games at our house and then dinner at Parlour and drinks at Craft. We had the best night! All of the girls totally embraced the floral theme and Jeannie came away from the night with some pretty amazing memories. 

Mrs. E

Friday, August 15, 2014

Adventures on Horseback

We have been trying to do this forever!

One of my oldest friends Ash (who is expecting her first baby soon!) and her mom Gayle (who has also become a great friend over the years) own two beautiful horses and have been offering to take Sydney riding for some time now. Ash works shift work and so does David, so lining everything up so that we could head out was very difficult. When we managed to work it out and get out to the stables it was well worth the wait. 

Ash led Sydney around and she loved every minute. She was all set with her boots and her cowgirl hat and I loved watching her. Ash and Gayle taught her how to feed the horses grass properly and at the end of her ride she was able to give Commander (the horse) a peanut butter cookie as a treat. 

Their other horse Liberty was subjected to the excited squeals from Henry. We didn't even think to put him on a horse until he was freaking out and pointing frantically. That kid is obsessed with large animals. He freaks out when he sees large dogs (in a good way) and was practically vibrating when he saw the horses. When I was holding him he let one of the other horses get right in his face and he exploded with giggles while she sniffed and inspected him. 

The entire evening was so much fun and we can;t wait to go out again!

Mrs. E

The Nugget ~ 15 Weeks

Well, here we are! This is my first update on our third baby.

This pregnancy is going by so at and so slow at the same time. I can't believe that I am already inching towards 16 weeks but at the same time this exhaustion and nausea is seeming to go on forever. I am already getting quite round thanks to the fact that this is my third pregnancy in four years. My body obviously knows what to do and I have already begun embracing my maternity pants. There is not much to talk about at this point. We have a happy and healthy little nugget with an average heart rate of 155bpm. Next doctors appointment is on the 28th!

Mrs. E

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Summer Days

I have absolutely no idea how summer always seems to fill up and fly by at lightning speed. 

Our summer has been completely insane. We have accomplished almost nothing and have traveled nowhere. Don't ask me where all of our time has gone. Nonetheless we did have an amazing time and a few pictures of some happy faces to prove it. Most of these are from Canada Day.... I am so behind!

Mrs. E