
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Brass & Baubles ~ Baby Quilt Crazy

There are soooo many exciting things on the horizon for Brass & Baubles. 

I have been sewing like crazy and over the last few months I have managed to put together a large collection of baby quilts as well as larger quilts. My eventual goal is to create enough stock to attend a craft show! I am terrified but it is also the step I need to take to actually create a successful business. 

Here are a few of the baby quilts I have in stock now.

Mrs. E

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mini Yogi Extrordinaire

Oh man this girl kills me....

Sydney has become a tiny yoga machine and I am so proud of her. One of the items on her Christmas list this year was her own yoga mat. I couldn't believe that she came up with the idea all by herself. She sees me leave for class all the time and it must have rubbed off on her. You should have seen her reaction when she opened up on Christmas morning. I had made her a Frozen mat strap and she was instantly obsessed. 

Our local Ivviva has free classes for girls every Sunday and about half of them are yoga. Sydney fell in love with it in her very first class. Here are a few photos of my peanut with her new mat and strap and a couple of pictures from her first couple of classes. I have also tossed in a couple of photos of her practicing in our living room. Henry usually gets involved too. That kid has a mean downward dog. 

Mrs. E

Friday, January 16, 2015

Modern Quilting ~ Christmas Gifts

This year I actually managed to pull of a bit of a handmade Christmas. 

I have known for months that I needed to make the kids their own quilts. I have made them for everyone else and I have managed to completely miss out on giving my own kids something to snuggle with at night. I also decided last minute to make David his own quilt that would be great for camping and other outdoor activities. Here they are:

This first quilt is Sydney's. I was about half way through secretly working on this when she proudly announced that she would like a purple quilt for Christmas.... damn it. She got the pink one anyway and I am secretly working on a purple Frozen quilt for her Birthday gift. 

Here is Henry's quilt. I think this one is my favorite. It features the "Hearty Good Wishes" fabric line and some of the best quilting I have ever done. The pebbles in the boarders took a million years and I almost ran out of thread (Which I can't buy here!) but it was completely worth every minute.

This last one is David's. It is a lot bigger and really heavy because I backed it with a really warm flannel. The plaids are actually home spun shirting fabrics that I used fusible interfacing on to avoid any unraveling. Some super simple quilting finished it off and I hope it gets a lot of use. 

Mrs. E