
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

End of Summer ~ Sibling Love

I try not to harass the kids too often for cute sibling pictures.... but when the weather is perfect and their outfits are adorable, I will bribe them with almost anything. 

Our kids really are best friends. Because they do not go to daycare and spend most of their time entertaining each other, they are super sweet together. I love watching them interact and play and Sydney has really started to step into the responsible big sister role. She is always willing to clean up Henry's messes and support him when he needs it. Henry on the other hand, is doing a great job of being the irritating younger brother. He loves to get in her way and copy everything that she does. If Sydney has something, Henry needs to have it too. 

Here they are at 2 and a half and 4 and a half. Sweet as can be. 

Mrs. E

Yoga Teacher Training ~ A Night in Cahuita

When you are in the middle of an intensive program with 14 hour days and you are given an assignment to walk to the nearest town.... you jump at the opportunity. 

We were told that we were to go on a walk as one of our Chakra activities and our destination would be the town of Cahuita which is about five kilometers from the Goddess Garden where we were staying. It was raining but we really didn't care. We packed a small backpack and hit the unpaved road. It was so nice to take time away from the Goddess Garden. We walked slowly and took in our beautiful surroundings. Our legs were covered with mud from our flip flips but we were happy. 

Along the way we passed a few small homes and places to stay. Everything was hidden from the road and tucked in amongst the trees. The road followed the beach all the way into town and listening to the waves crashing was amazing. We really had no idea what we were looking for and how long it would take to get to Cahuita. We were told that we would reach town once we hit a paved road. We passed the cutest little reggae bar and a couple of open air restaurants before we finally hit pavement. 

We really only had enough time to walk around for a bit and check out the one or two stores. I had promised one of my co-workers who had been to Costa Rica that I would try an ice cream treat called Trit that he had fallen in love with. A few of us split one and it was divine. We took a group cab back to Goddess Garden happy and refreshed. 

Mrs. E

Yoga Teacher Training ~ The Best of Friends

There is nothing like an intensely physical and emotional journey that brings complete strangers together.

I am so lucky to have this incredible group of people in my life now. They supported me when I doubted myself, literally held me up if I was going to fall, held my hands through long talks and gave me a safe space to cry, laugh or go a little crazy. Over forty women and two men made my yoga teacher training two of the best weeks of my life and I really couldn't thank them any more. 

I can't wait for surprise visits or reunion trips. These people will be a part of my life forever. 

Mrs. E