
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Glow Party Craziness

I have been such a blogging delinquent lately! 

We have been going at warp speed in our house and we have some pretty exciting things coming up for our family that I will get to later. First, I need to go all the way back to September! In the beginning of the school year we were invited to the welcome back to school family glow party. The school had arranged a picnic BBQ followed by a massive dance in the school gym with a DJ and a bunch of photo booths. 

We opted out of the BBQ and instead headed down there after dinner. Dave was being proactive and had gone to buy a bunch of glow sticks before the party so that we could avoid the long line ups to buy at the school. To say the kids were excited is an understatement. Sydney was so ready to meet up with friends and Henry was loving all of the loud music. We danced, took pictures and had an amazing time. We are looking forward to going next year!

Mrs. E

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Last Days of Summer

Phew! It has been suuuper busy at our house the last couple of weeks. 

We have been in full on Halloween and Marathon prep and the kids have been busy with school and activities. All of the rushing around has me longing for the last lazy days of summer again. So today, I'm taking a look back at the last few unseasonable warm days we had in September. Here's to sun tanning in the fall!

Mrs. E