
Friday, September 23, 2016

Well Hi There Stranger!

It's been a while!

School has taken over our lives and I am doing my best to keep my head above water these days. I have a whole line up of blog posts to get you up to date on what we have been up to. Hopefully I can get all caught up! In the mean time... here is a photo from the school glow party tonight. We had a great time!

Mrs. E

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hugh Cameron ~ 3 Months

Weight ~ 14lbs 14oz
Height ~ 24.75 inches

I am IN. LOVE.

This little man in absolutely amazing! He is full of personality and will definitely be our class clown. Hugh's smile is infectious and he has started laughing at us. He is happiest in the morning but you will rarely find him crying. He is a stickler for his schedule and is still a champion eater and sleeper. He is basically the best baby ever. 


Mrs. E