
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Edmonton Marathon 2016

3:09.... again!

Dave is such an incredibly dedicated runner. For almost two years now, he has been trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon. His last chance to qualify at the 3:05 time (it is the most competitive time for Boston) was the Edmonton Marathon at the end of August. The way qualifying windows for Boston work, he would be bumped up into the next age category starting in October which would give him an extra 5 minutes but he wanted to make it in the faster time. Unfortunately he didn't quite make it. 

It was a perfect day weather wise, but I know he wasn't feeling 100% in the last ten or so kilometers. He pushed through to finish with a very impressive time but I knew he was going to be disappointed. We are soooo proud of him and his accomplishments and there is no doubt that he will qualify... maybe at the race in LA in a week! We will see!

Mrs. E

Friday, November 4, 2016

Henry James ~ Preschool

In the spirit of playing catch up, I had to share some of the fun moments from Henry's first day of French preschool.

Our little guy had been looking forward to his first day for a long time. We did a good job of getting him pumped up and Sydney spent the entire summer telling him how awesome school was. To be honest, we were a little bit worried about whether or not Henry would be able to tackle preschool without a meltdown. He is our sensitive kid. He struggles a little bit more when Dave and I are not with him and he wears all of his emotions on his sleeve. He had also never really left the house for child care or classes on his own. But he handled it like a champ. 

After doing his hair and having breakfast, Henry let me take some pictures of him outside. He was a complete goof and almost impossible to capture with a genuine smile... but I managed to do it. We dropped him off quickly at school where we introduced him to his teachers, showed him where to put his things, and quickly made an escape. 

When we picked him up after school he had so much to tell us! He had already made new friends and was really excited about making crafts. We celebrated the day with an Eliuk tradition.... doughnuts. It was perfect.

Mrs. E

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Sydney Anabelle ~ Grade One

What month is it? Almost November? Great....

Like every good mom of three, I have fallen way behind on a few things in my life. This blog being one of them. I have had so many things on the go over the last two months that I haven't even had time to think about working on a blog post or coming up with something witty to say. So here I am, two months late, posting about Sydney's first day of grade one.

To say that she was excited would be a massive understatement. Our school decided to move the kindergarten classes up into grade one together so they all knew that they would get to see their friends again! At the beginning of the school year, Syd was closest with a little girl named Poppy. When they walked into class on the first day and found out that their desks were beside each other they freaked out!

The biggest adjustment for our family with grade one has been full day versus half day. We now have to pack lunches and Sydney is no longer having an afternoon nap. (I am fully aware that it is absolutely insane that my five year old still had naps. But she loves them and still naps on the weekend!) She is exhausted at the end of the day, but so happy. Her teacher is young and seems really nice and the kids are picking up on so much more French already!

Cheers to grade one!

Mrs. E