
Monday, February 27, 2017

Christmas 2016

It's the end of February.... which means it's just in time for a post about our Christmas. Right?!

Oh man. I'm so far behind. Time gets away from me so easily these days. Having three small children is no joke! But I know that I need to get these pictures up because it was Hugh's first Christmas! This year everything was pretty low key. We have started to establish some traditions for our little family during the holiday season. Dinners, baking, stories and quiet time. It's so nice to have the kids look forward to some of the things that they know are coming. 

Christmas Eve started with a family dinner (Chinese food) and some prep for Santa's arrival. We baked cookies and wrote a letter to Santa and his reindeer. The kids couldn't wait to set out their homemade treats and read The Night Before Christmas. My dad was also in town to celebrate, which brought the excitement up a few notches. 

Christmas morning came with so much excitement! The kids wore their new Holiday pajamas and huddled around the tree to check out the gifts. Everyone arrived for breakfast and we finished cooking while the kids took a look at their stockings. Hugh had no idea what was going on but it was so cute!

Once breakfast was over and the gifts had been opened, everyone left us to have some quiet time and an afternoon nap before dinner. The kids checked out a few of their new gifts and we all settled down for a rest. Christmas morning is exhausting!

Christmas dinner was at David's parents house this year. Dave's Granny was able to be there which was so nice. She is 96 this year and we love to have the kids spend time with her. It's important for them to learn about where they come from and to build memories with their Great Grandparents. 

Dinner was amazing as usual. Full Turkey with all of the fixings! After dinner we spent time catching up, doing puzzles and taking photos. It was an incredible Christmas.

Mrs. E

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Pre-Christmas Weekend in Rocky

Oh man! I am so behind on photos and posts. So far behind, that I am probably going to be playing some major catch up over the next few days. 

The first major flashback post is from the week before Christmas. My sister Jeannie and her husband Tyler have the most incredible acreage out in Rocky Mountain House and they invited us out for the weekend to celebrate Christmas a little bit early. Their house is basically the perfect place for the kids. They have so much space to run around, lots of rooms and beds, a swimming pond that doubles as a skating rink in the winter and lots of fun local activities to do close by like floating down the river. It's awesome.

My sister prepared enough food for a small army so we ate, had drinks and enjoyed some family time. Later in the evening we played games and hung out and the next day was all about skating! It was the perfect winter getaway.

Mrs. E