
Saturday, March 11, 2017

100 Items #57 ~ Polar Bear Dip

I have been so bad at documenting our 100 items list. We have actually finished so much more than I have put on this blog! I will update the list right away. 

Dave managed to knock item #57 off of the list this January. He did a polar bear dip! I am so glad that he was willing to do this one because the cold and I do not get along at all. David signed up to raise money for the Special Olympics by jumping into lake Summerside which is about five minutes from our house. After raising money for a month or so it was time to jump!

The event was so well run. Everyone was scheduled to jump at a specific time and they were able to get dressed.. or undressed in the beach house before walking down to jump in. They had cut a large section of ice out and they had divers in dry suits in the water at all times. Once jumpers came out they were able to go into the warming tent or a hot tub before getting changed. 

Rick Mercer was there to cover the event for his show and that the plunge as well! David did an amazing job. It didn't even phase him when he jumped in. Everyone had wild costumes and he chose to jump in as the devil. Rick joked that he would be a believer if the water boiled when David jumped in. The kids had a great time laughing at the participants and roasting marshmallows. The whole thing was fantastic! 

Mrs. E

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

When Hockey is Life....

You guys!!!!! This little man is so good at skating!

Henry has been working so hard on his skating skills. He is right in the middle of his second session of lessons and he absolutely loves it. This sweet little thing is working so hard to improve his skills so that he is ready to go for his first Hockey season this fall. Henry's big Christmas gift this year was Hockey equipment and he can't wait to get going. We are so excited to get him registered for his first big sport! Dave has been taking him out to practice as much as possible and the results are starting to show. We have been encouraging him to wear his equipment as much as possible so he can get used to it. Let the countdown begin!

Mrs. E