
Friday, June 2, 2017

Sydney's Martian Hop

Well hello there stranger!

It has been way too long since I paid any attention to this blog. Honestly... I have just been enjoying my last three months of maternity leave ever. Spending time with the kids has been incredible and I don't feel bad for one minute about ignoring everyone else to be with them. But that means that anyone who follows this blog has been missing out on all of the fun things that have been going on in our life! 

The first flashback is to mid-March when Sydney did a dance performance at school. Sydney's school brought in an in house dance instructor to teach each of the classes their own dance routine. They then put on a full performance for all of the parents. Syd was so excited and we couldn't wait to see what they had been working on. Her class did a dance to the Martian Hop and it couldn't have been cuter! Sydney is on the front left and she did an amazing job!!!!

Mrs. E