
Saturday, July 28, 2018

Our Trip Timeline

As promised.... 

We have put together a pretty solid timeline for our trip so that we can try to book a few things in advance. It will also help us stay organized so that we can meet up with friends and family along the way. Looking forward to what this adventure holds for us!

Mrs. E

Sunday, July 8, 2018

The Beginning of an Adventure

Oh hi! 

It's been a very long time since I have paid any attention to this little blog. Life sort of took over and all of a sudden there was no time to sit at the computer. Between work, teaching, three kids, Dave's schedule and all of the other things that come along with being a busy family of five.... there is very little down time. But things have changed a little bit. Last Friday was my last day at my day job for the next nine months!

Our little family is off on an epic adventure. We will be prepping hard over the next three months, and on October 1st we fly to the other side of the world for 6 months of international travel. My summer will be spent hanging out with the kids, packing up the house to rent it out, preparing home schooling materials, teaching and finalizing travel plans. It will be busy! 

We really want to keep everyone in the loop so I am also reviving my regular blog posts. This means that there will be photos, videos and stories posted on a regular basis documenting our travels and our life abroad. We hope that all of follow along and maybe get a little bit inspired to do something out of your own comfort zone. 

Over the next few days I will fill you in on our general plans and let you know where we are in terms of prep. I will also give you an update on the kids and how the last year and a half has looked for us. Can't wait!

Mrs. E