

We decided to start this blog to keep all of our out of town relatives and friends in the loop on everything that is going on in our household. Although I believe most of our readers will be those who already know us, here is a little bit of our back story for those who don't.

This is David:
He is the love of my life and my best friend in the entire world.

This is me:
Our lives started together six years ago and we were married August 22, 2009, almost three years after we first met. Following our wedding we left on a two month honeymoon to Australia that brought about some of our favorite memories.

Here we are on our wedding day:
I come from a huge blended family of five kids. My siblings are hilarious. We didn't always get along growing up, but we can't get enough of each other now.

David comes from a smaller family. He has one older sister whom he gets along with famously even though they are separated by a four year age gap.

Now I will admit, David and I didn't fall in love with each other because we had a lot in common..... we fell in love because we didn't. He is a conservative man with a love for the law, stats and facts. He is an avid triathlete who has competed in several World Triathlon Championships and one Ironman. He likes to plan and organize and is a whiz with a budget. I, on the other hand, am a bit of a free spirit. I am artistic and creative and often have ten projects that I am working on at any given time. I am much more impulsive and spontaneous and like to go with the flow. Although I too have competed in Triathlons, I have no where near the same drive as David to exceed at athletics. I think it is our opposite natures that have created such a balance in our lives.

On February 9, 2011 we welcomed the most incredible little girl into this world. Sydney Anabelle is the love of our lives and we love every single day with her. She is spunky and hilarious and a ton of work! She has developed a seriously outgoing personality, loves to dance and has better conversational skills than most adults. Watching her grow up is incredible.

This big man is Henry James. He came into our world on April 24, 2013 and nothing has been the same since. Although he is a little bit more high maintenance than his big sister was, he is pretty incredible. He has mastered eating solids and almost always has his tongue sticking out. He is a bit of an old soul and looks up to his big sister all the time.

Hope you all enjoy reading!