
Friday, September 3, 2010

18 Weeks

Week: 18
Weight Gained: 7lbs
Belly Button: Getting Shallower
Cravings: Tomato with Sea Salt and Ground Pepper
Sleep: Well.... we are sleeping in a tent most of this week so... NOT GREAT!
Best Moment of the Week: Having strangers notice my pregnancy for the first time
Worst Moment of the Week: Almost losing my nice dinner in the bathroom at the Delta Grand in Kelowna
What I am Looking Forward to: Our Ultrasound next week
Thoughts From Dad: "This kid better like the sun, because we are outdoor people."

We spent the week in the Kelowna at Triathlon Nationals and camping in Summerland in preparation for Ironman on Sunday. Sunday, August 22 was also our first anniversary!

The trip started out great! David surprised me by booking us into the beautiful Delta Grand on the water in Kelowna. We knew that this would be our big vacation this year so he was willing to splurge a little bit. I felt like a bit of an impostor walking into the hotel at first. We rolled up in our rusty Pathfinder and proceeded to have the bellboy help us with our "luggage" which included: Three backbacks, a rubbermaid bin full of race gear, a bike and a few extras.... classy.

We had amazing time getting couples massages and lounging by the pool and we managed to charge a small fortune in food to our room bill.

For our anniversary dinner we walked down to the Keg (Not much for options in Kelowna. We usually would have chosen a small, amazing, one-off restaurant.) and I indulged in lobster while David inhaled a giant piece of steak. Our first year has been amazing and we have so much to look back on. I can't wait t see what the next 50 hold!

On Tuesday we made our way to Summerland where we camped with friends and started making frequent trips into Penticton so that David could get everything ready for race day. It's funny to see how our camping style has changed. We used to sleep directly on the ground and I would go to bed fully clothed because I was so cold. Now I camp in style. The last two times we went to Jasper I hit up the spa instead of hiking and this time we set up the full aerobed inside of our tiny backpacking tent... nice.

More from Ironman later.


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