
Sunday, September 19, 2010

21 Weeks

Week: 21
Weight Gained: 15 so Far!
Belly Button: Getting really shallow... I can see it changing every day.
Cravings: Buster Bars from DQ... It's the first time I have wanted ice cream in a looonnggg time.
Sleep: Getting less and less comfortable. I am starting to have to use pillows to get more comfortable.
Movement: Lots of little kicks and wiggles on a regular basis. I had one amazingly strong kick while I was sitting at work this week. It was so strong that it made me shoot back in my seat. It actually startled me quite a bit.
Best Moment of the Week: Hearing the heartbeat of our little bean. We also found out the test results from our Ultrasound and everything is perfect!
Worst Moment of the Week: Finding out that I had gained 9 pounds since my last appointment
Thoughts from Dad: "Baby, I have been reading about how to put you on a flex schedule all week. Mommy says that it will work but we will see...."

This week has been pretty busy. We have been working to clean up the last few items in the baby's bedroom and we have begun to think about what we will need for when the baby arrives. Getting the registry organized felt really good and it created a list for us to work from.

We are looking forward to this week. We have an OBGYN appointment on Tuesday with Dr. McCubbin and we cannot wait to meet her.

We will fill you in on more when after our appointment.


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