
Monday, September 13, 2010

Registry Fun!

We have officially registered for Baby gear!

Yesterday we made our way down to Babies R' Us to create our baby registry for Baby E. We have had quite a few people ask us what we want for the baby or Christmas and we had no idea. We figured that this would be the most efficient way to let everyone know.

I was very overwhelmed walking into the store. It is HUGE and there are wall to wall items. As a first time parent it is hard to distinguish between the things you think are cool and the things that you will actually need. We tried to keep it simple but it is just so damn exciting!

David demanded to hold the scanning gun which I allowed because I know it keeps his attention focused. We went through the store, row by row, scanning everything we could think of that we may need. It took almost two hours and a lot of quick decisions but here is the final product:


Can't wait to start learning how to use all of it!


PS. I think that David was secretly most excited about all of the cool toys. I let him have free reign in that department and I am pretty sure that he picked everything that he would want to play with. I am curious to see whether or not he uses it more than Baby E.

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