
Sunday, October 17, 2010

25 Weeks

Week: 25
Weight Gained: Still don't have an updated number
Belly Button: Sore and flat.... this thing might actually pop out at some point!
Cravings: Chicken tacos.... yum! I can eat 6 homemade, hard shell chicken tacos in one sitting. I have no idea how I am fitting it all into my body and I usually have some serious heartburn after.
Sleep: Rough.... I have been an insomniac all week. I toss and turn all night and cannot get comfortable. My hips also start to ache and my limbs go numb.
Best Moment of the Week: While I was in the bath earlier this week my entire tummy jumped. I actually SAW a kick!
Worst Moment of the Week: Every morning that I went to work in a daze because of the lack of sleep the night before.
Thoughts From Dad: Coming Soon

This week was so much fun and so exhausting all at once. Last weekend was thanksgiving and we managed to get in two amazing turkey dinners, some time with friends and an Oilers game. It was busy but we enjoyed every minute of it.

This week was also really tough for me. Sleep is starting to get really difficult and I am finding it really hard to concentrate at work after long nights of tossing and turning. I am really hoping that it gets better soon. Between the pain in my hips and my limbs going numb it is really starting to wear on me.

Baby E has been getting VERY active. It is constantly moving and kicking and everything is getting a lot stronger. David can feel movement on a regular basis now and the baby is starting to move on a schedule. Baby E wakes up with me every morning and kicks me to sleep. I am really enjoying all of the movement. It makes everything feel so much more real.

More Soon!


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