
Friday, November 19, 2010

30 Weeks! 3/4 Baked!

Week: 30
Weight Gained: I am officially up about 33 pounds people! Ahhhhhh!
Belly Button: Flat. Parts of it are sticking out.
Cravings: Nothing really. I have gotten to that stage where I can barely fit anything into my stomach and I am constantly full.
Sleep: Still non-existent with frequent pee breaks.
Best Moment of the Week: Finally getting all of the nursery furniture all set up and ready to go!
Worst Moment of the Week: Getting sent to the hospital for a non-stress test after my OB decided Baby E was not moving enough and getting sick.
Thoughts from Dad: "That's the last time that I stay up until 2am building you something unless it's a bike that I get to ride too."

Yay! 30 weeks feels like a huge milestone. For some reason I am only now really starting to realize that this is all actually happening. We are starting to get SUPER excited to meet Baby E. I am also starting to feel like people look at me differently when they ask how far along I am and I tell them I am in my 30's. It just seems so much more serious now.
The last couple of weeks I have gone really downhill physically. I am struggling to do simple tasks such as putting on my own shoes and picking things up off the floor. I feel like I weigh 400 pounds when I try to tackle any stairs and I have officially kissed my balance goodbye. The extra weight I have gained is also really taking a toll on my back and hips. I can only stand and walk around for so long before everything starts to hurt and I am forced to sit down.

Baby E has been super active this last week. I am starting to get used to really hard kicks and punches. The baby's head is down and to the left and the feet are up under my right ribs. It is not uncommon for Baby E to get a foot stuck under my ribs for a few hours which makes me feel like I can't get a full breath of air.

Aside from all of these things that are driving me crazy, I am nothing but excited. I am secretly starting to hope that we do not make it all the way through January and I cannot wait to see what Baby E looks like.

Let the countdown begin!


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