
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The One Where I Get Sent to the Hospital...

Ok, so it sounds a lot more serious than it actually was.

Last Tuesday we went in for our routine OBGYN appointment. As usual we arrived early and got it quickly (I love my OB!). She weighed me (up again!) and we listened to Baby E's heartbeat. Then she asked me about movement. I was honest and told her that I had only been feeling a few kicks each day for the last four days which was unusual for Baby E. As soon as I said the words.... I knew that our day was about to get longer.

We were promptly sent to the hospital OB assessment centre for a non-stress test.... ugh. I was super embarrassed walking in to the hospital knowing that I had probably just been too busy and pre-occupied to notice any of Baby E's smaller movements. We were admitted and I was strapped to a hospital bed sandwiched between one girl who was due in a week and was in to be monitored as a result of her gestational diabetes and one woman who was being prepped for her c-section that morning..... I did not fit in.

We were seen by a nurse who really could have cared less about her job and was super difficult to understand. I was told to pee in a cup (again...) and get comfortable in the bed. Side note: do they seriously think that it is easy for a woman with a large protruding belly to pee in the tiniest sup imaginable? I mean.....seriously! I can't even see what I am doing! Half the time I end up with most of the pee on my hand instead of in the cup... gross.

Anyways. Once strapped to the monitor I was told to stay still and press a button every time I felt the baby move. We were not told how long we would be there or what they were even looking for. So David and Baby E and I chilled out for a while. We were just listening to Baby E's heart rate and counting movements. As I suspected, the minute I started to relax Baby E started to go crazy. Everything turned out to be perfect!

That's the last time I admit anything to my doctor knowing that I am fine. Oh, and for those who are curious... I passed my gestational diabetes test with flying colors! Yay!

More later,


1 comment:

  1. I like how they call it a non-stress test. It certainly doesn't seem non-stress to me!
