
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sickness and Pregnancy

I have to admit something.... I kind of always thought that pregnant women were over-exaggerating when they went on and on about how crappy it is to be sick while pregnant. I was wrong.

I have been trying to fight off a cold since Thursday and I am fighting a losing battle. There is nothing more exhausting than weighing an extra thirty pounds than your used to and trying to do all of the things you would normally do. Add blowing your nose, trying to breathe and working through a wicked headache to the mix and it is damn near impossible to accomplish anything other than sleeping.

I took Friday off to recuperate and slept the entire day. I probably could have done with an additional week of sleep be even us preggo sickies have things that need to get done. I was already starting to feel like giving up on keeping up with my normal schedule and being sick threw me into full on countdown mode. I cannot wait until Christmas!


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