
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Oh. Em. Gee. This Kid is Huge!

Yesterday was the ultimate day of being poked and prodded at. It was our big appointment day and we were out for the majority of the day.

David and I decided that it would be easier if we took the day off and gave ourselves a long weekend and a whole day to go to appointments. We woke up early and went to our OBGYN appointment first.

Everything went really well. I am up another 7 pounds (when is this going to slow down!) and the baby's heart rate was sitting at 150bpm. I am measuring right on 32 weeks. We asked our questions and so far everything is normal. Both Baby E and I are very healthy as far as Dr. McCubbin is concerned.

It wasn't until our ultrasound that things got a little bit more interesting..... Baby E is super healthy and very active. It kept on rolling and kicking out of the way when the ultrasound tech was trying to get measurements. It is already practicing it's breathing and sucking functions and passed all of the movement tests with flying colors. The only issue..... is that this baby is measuring in the 95th percentile! Resting at a hefty 5 pounds 10 ounces we are easily looking at a 9 pound or larger baby. This is nuts!

So apparently there are a few penalties for having such a big kid. I might have to deal with the following three things:

- Another gestational diabetes test
- Another ultrasound to check in on the size
- An early induction

Here is the shot we got of Baby E's face. If you tilt your head to the right when you look at it you are basically looking into the mirror image. Chubby cheeks already!

No wonder I feel like a house and I can't breathe! This kid has taken stake of my entire body! We should hear more when Dr. McCubbin gets the information from the tests in another couple of days. Hopefully all is good!


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