
Friday, January 28, 2011

40 Weeks - D Day

Week: 40
Weight Gained: 50 Pounds  
Belly Button: Popping out
Cravings: Cinnamon, Milk, Chocolate, Spicy Food
Sleep: I am sleeping as much as I can right now. My body is letting me sleep in, so I am taking advantage of it.
Best Moment of the Week: Reaching my due date with a healthy baby. It doesn't matter that Baby E is still comfy inside of my belly. The important thing is that we are both at this point in the pregnancy and doing well.
Worst Moment of the Week: Receiving ten thousand phone calls and texts from people asking me if I  have had the baby yet.
Thoughts from Dad: "Alright, due date has come and gone, time to:  get out, fly the coop, Elvis must leave the building, eviction notice issued, vacate the premises immediately or locks will be changed, hit the road kid.  Get the idea….now would be a great time."
I have to admit.... today has been frustrating. I have gotten a million phone calls, emails and texts from friends and family who have been asking if I have had the baby yet. The answer.... NO! I honestly think that this is the dumbest thing someone can ask a pregnant woman on her Due Date. People... do you really think that we would have the baby and not tell anyone?!?!?
Even worse on those who call to insist that the baby won't be here for another week at least. This doesn't make me feel any better at all. The last thing I want to hear is that Baby E is not going to make an appearance for a while. It may be true, but I don't want to hear it.
David is really starting to get excited now. He is determined to do anything he can to meet this kid. It's adorable. I am not really sure if the reality of becoming a dad hit him until recently. Now it is all he can think about. Every time I wince in pain as a result of a big kick or call him when I am slightly out of breath, he thinks I am going into labour.
We will see what happens in the next few days. But for now, we plan on enjoying our last days as a family of two and getting as much sleep as we can.

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