
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ugh.... No More Please

I am really starting to get nervous about our birth plan. At our appointment yesterday I did not get very good news.

My body is really not progressing at all. I am still not dilating at all and McCubbin does not think that anything will happen anytime soon. We discussed the idea of an induction this week as well.... it is a hard topic for me to discuss. Inductions usually lead to med-assisted births.

Our doctor said that she would usually not let women diagnosed with PUPPP go full term but she does not even want to try to induce me now because it would be forcing my body to do something it is really not ready to do. She says that if she induced me now, she may as well stamp "c-section" on my forehead. I had a mild breakdown after the appointment. Thank goodness David was there to make me feel better.

My next appointment is on Monday. We are going to try everything we can to induce labour over the next few days and we will cross our fingers that I progress.


1 comment:

  1. Aww Steph that sucks. My sister had an induction and she did it without any meds at all. It may have not seemed super pleasant in my opinion but the labours I've seen in nursing school weren't super pleasant either. Pushing a baby out from down there can never be great fun. If you are really scared of going major drugs I'm personally thinking of fentanyl. I hear that they use it in labor and delivery. It doesn't affect the baby and its a really nice short term pain killer. We use it alot in the PICU and its nice, it cuts the kids pain but doesn't make them loopy.

    At least Dr.McCubbin has the sense not to push the induction now when you aren't ready at all. Then it could end up being really uncomfortable.

    But let this get you through it. Your baby is going to be beautiful and is going to love you unconditionally. When you get to hold that little one, no matter how it gets out, it will all be worth it.
