
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One Month

Our little Syndey is one month old today. I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. David and I have enjoyed every minute with our new addition and she changes everyday.

Our lives have changed drastically in the last month. We plan everything in advance and it is all about her schedule and what works for her. We are also starting to realize the benefit of having family around to help with babysitting and support. We have attempted to remain as calm as possible through all of the changes. We have learned to take everything in stride and I am learning that I can't control everything. Being a parent is all about going with the flow.

There are days when I look at her and I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that she is ours. I still cannot comprehend how I was able to carry her around for over nine months and that my body was able to create such an amazing little being.

Over the last month I have been exhausted, excited and overwhelmed. My patience has been tested and I have learned how to overcome anxiety. But most of all, I have loved my husband and daughter more than I ever thought possible.

I look forward to what the next months will bring.


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