
Thursday, March 24, 2011

We Both Cried Yesterday

Yesterday was a hard day for Sydney and I.

Sydney spent the majority of the day yesterday crying. She was having a very off day and there was nothing that I could do to make it any better. After feeding her, changing her, wrapping her in a fuzzy blanket and rocking her, there was nothing more I could do.

I have never been a patient person and I knew that this would be one of my biggest parenting challenges. I knew I would need to learn how to give Sydney the room to be upset and have bad days but it was not easy to do.

At one point I called David in tears while Sydney cried from her crib. I actually had to put her down in her crib where I knew she would be safe and walk away for a moment. It made me feel guilty, which made me feel worse. If it was not for David's encouraging words I would not have been able to calm down.

I know that this was just the first rough day of many to come and each day will be a learning experience.


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