
Friday, June 10, 2011

Life With a Four Month Old

I love, love, love being a mom.

Sydney is four months old now and our life with her is getting so exciting! She has changed soooo much and is turning into quite the little lady. Syd is much stronger and likes to spend most of the day standing while holding our hands. She is becoming more and more independent and is learning to entertain herself.

She has become such a chatty cathy. The house is always filled with her happy squeals and loving coos and I love it. She is certainly getting noticed in public... she has not yet learned what an inside voice is so she quite often screams loudly just to hear her own voice.

Syd is also pre-teething so she is a constant fountain of drool.... most of my clothes have been covered in drool and she has learned to blow bubbles (which is cute and gross all at the same time).

All in all... life is great!


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