
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Christmas Celebrations: Edition #1

We have an amazing Christmas season ahead of us. We have four Christmas dinners to look forward to and it is also Sydney's first Christmas this year!

Our first celebration was with David's family. We had to do it super early because we are leaving for Phoenix for a month. We all got together for a great dinner and gifts. The night could not have been any better.

Sydney wore her Christmas finest and had a great time exploring the house. Gran and Gido have a ton of fun nic-nacs just waiting to be chewed on.

~Sydney Channels her Inner Rudolph~

After ripping open all of her gifts, Syd had an awesome time rolling around in all of the left over tissue paper. She even broke out a squishy face or two.

She came home with a huge stash of fun stuff and mommy and daddy even got a brand new chariot with cycling attachments from uncle Rene and auntie Kendra! Now we can look forward to family runs and bike rides next summer!

Much more Christmas fun to come!


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