
Monday, November 7, 2011

Night Shift Living

Night shifts suck. Night shifts mess with our family schedule and make for some VERY long days.

David has been doing shift work for several months now. We have gotten into a rythm with everything but it does not make the five days on shift any easier. A shift set usually means three 6a - 6p shifts followed by two 6p - 6a shifts. It is five extremely long days followed by five days off. While David is working, I am parenting Sydney.

One of the worst parts about David working night shifts is that I end up staying up until 2 in the morning because I can't sleep and I still wake up early with Sydney.... exhausting.  He is working one of those night shifts tonight and here I am, watching girly movies and blogging.

I am counting down to the end of this shift set. I can't wait!


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