
Friday, November 11, 2011

Our 9 Month Old Little Girl

So far we have managed to raise a beautiful little girl. Sydney is absolutely perfect in our eyes. At nine months old she is incredibly smart and is developing an amazing personality. She has filled our lives with perfect moments and stories we will never forget. We have captured every moment on camera and plan to continue to re-live everything for years to come.

Sydney is definitely on the move. She zooming around the house in a full out crawl and can pull herself up to a standing position on almost anything. This has meant quite a few bumps and bruises for our poor little one, but she is learning how to stabilize herself better.

At nine months, Syd is in the ninetieth percentile for height and weight. She is weighing in at over 21lbs and is about 74cm tall. She is wearing 12 month old clothes comfortably and is actually getting use out of all of her shoes.

We are quickly moving into toddler hood!



  1. No wonder she is such a big girl! Little Ava is only a 50th girl and barely 16lbs a few weeks ago. Beware she might walk soon on you! And her eyes look just like yours in this photo Steph!

  2. 50th is perfect! Sydney is going to be walking so soon. I am so nervous!
