
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Back to Blogging... and Work

After an extended break from blogging to spend my last days of maternity leave with my family.... I am back.

Today was such a hard day. I have been dreading going back to work since the day Sydney was born. I am such an emotional person and I am incredibly attached to my little girl. I knew that there would be a lot of tears today but I had no idea how hard it would be.
David is off today so I had to luxury of being driven to the LRT station this morning. I thought I was going to be ok until I got out of the car and gave Sydney a kiss. When she realized that I was leaving she turned to me and gave me a sad "mum mum mum mum". It totally broke my heart.

I managed to make it through the day without losing my mind or crying in front of too many people. Hopefully I can make it the rest of the week!


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