
Monday, February 27, 2012

100 Things Item #32: 365 Pictures in One Year ~ Second Edition

Here is the second installment of photos for my 365 photo challenge. I am almost caught up! I find that I really have to remind myself to take a picture every day... hence the crappy quality of a lot of them I promise that they will get better as I go along!

~ February 17, 2012 - Getting very protective of her first spring roll... let's just say she was a fan ~

~ February 18, 2012 - Caught in the act after dumping out her puffs ~

~ February 19, 2012 - Making at mess at Great Grandma's ~

 ~ February 20, 2012 - Watching Sesame Street at Papa's ~

~ February 21, 2012 - All dressed up in Lethbridge ~

~ February 22, 2012 -  Mommy cuddles ~

~ February 25, 2012 ~

Mrs. E

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