
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Standing Up

Well, my baby is getting close to becoming a little girl. My sweet little thing is becoming increasingly independent and strong. This past weekend.... she learned to stand on her own... ON HER OWN! She is so cute. She will grab onto something to pull herself up and then gently let go. After a few seconds she usually freaks out and either sits down or grabs on to something to stabilize herself.

It is insane! She is so darn big now. I am just counting down the days until we have a full fledged walking toddler on our hands. It is coming soon... I can feel it. One of my favorite things to do with her now is to get her into a stable standing position, then I let go and we clap hands and sing our ABC's. My hope is that it will help her get more comfortable with being on her own two feet.

The one thing I am not looking forward to when it comes to Sydney walking.... is that there will be a lot more wipe outs in our future! Bring on the fancy band aids and polysporin!

Mrs. E

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