
Monday, February 6, 2012

Sydney's Snow Day

When you live in Canada you learn very quickly that you just have to get used to cold, snowy weather. I have always refused to fall in love with winter. I do not like cold weather, icy roads, lots of snow or big bulky winter clothing. I am truly a warm weather baby. For years I have been begging David to move to a warmer locale. He has adamantly refused for five years. So here we are, in the midst of Sydney's first real Canadian winter. After a week of temperatures dipping as low as -50C, it was time to dress her up and let her experience playing in the snow.

We obviously do not have a back yard in our condo, so we packed everything up and made our way to Gran and Gido's house. There, Sydney crawled around cautiously in the snow while her dad tried to bury her.

She spent about ten minutes trying to figure out what the heck was going on. I could just see her thinking "Seriously parents?! This is freezing, I can't move in this giant suit and what the heck are on my hands!"

I believe that our child may take after me. My love for warmer climates has passed on to our daughter. Yay! Maybe now we can convince David that we need to move somewhere that allows us to wear flip flops in the winter.

Mrs. E

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