
Friday, March 30, 2012

A Day at The Zoo

My favorite animals and I made a trip to the zoo on Tuesday with the Shandro family. It is great having some of our closest friends here in Hawaii and it is always so much fun to get the girls together. The Honolulu Zoo was fantastic!

Mrs. E

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kendra's Wedding

Our entire reason for coming down to Hawaii was to go to my sister in-law's wedding. We were a part of the big day on Monday and the entire thing was beautiful. We all got dressed in our finest beachy formal wear and we headed to the ceremony.

The ceremony took place on a massive balcony overlooking the beach. It was so beautiful! After the ceremony, it was time for some family photos and then we enjoyed an incredible dinner back on the balcony. Sydney ate her weight in crab cakes and guests were served either beef, chicken or fish. So tasty!

Congratulations to Kendra and Rene! Here are a few photos from the day:


Mrs. E

Flying With a Toddler

We have made it to Hawaii!

After a long 7 hour flight we have landed in paradise. We arrived on Sunday evening and we are here until next Sunday! Awesome. This was the first flight we had taken with Sydney since she was 3 months old.

I was thoroughly prepared for the long flight. I had pack an endless amount of snacks, loaded up the laptop with Yo Gabba Gabba and Sesame Street. Unfortunately when we got onto the plane we realized that it was an older model with no personal TVs or power sources! Brutal.

Regardless, Sydney was amazing. we read books, ate snacks and played with toys. She would only nap if she was attached to me in her carrier which made for a few very sweaty and warm hours. David's parents were a huge help on the flight and Syd had a fantastic time crawling back and forth between our seats. Here are a few photos from the trip:

Mrs. E

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Baby Shower ~ Details

Last weekend I was asked to help put together a few details for a baby shower that a friend of mine was hosting. It was a dual shower for two of her friends.

I managed to put together some cookies, chocolate covered pretzels and custom invites.

Mrs. E

Monday, March 26, 2012

Beachy Manicure

A cute beachy manicure in preparation for Hawaii!

Color: Loreal Club Prive

Mrs. E

Saturday, March 24, 2012

100 Things Item #32: 365 Pictures In One Year ~ Sixth Edition

 ~ March 19, 2012 - I actually went into her room and woke her up to take this photo. I had completely forgotten to snap a pic. ~

~ March 20, 2012 - Post-Bath Cuddle ~

~ March 21, 2012 - Another picture that I had to wake her to take... She was not impressed ~

~ March 22, 2012 - Out for Mommy's Birthday. Enjoying watching the snow storm. (Blackberry Photo) ~

~ March 23, 2012 - Sick day. Sydney spent most of the day with a high fever. We later discovered that she has FOUR teeth coming in at the same time! ~

~ March 24, 2012 - Play time with Dad ~

Mrs. E

Thursday, March 22, 2012

27 Years

I am getting older! Today is my 27th Birthday.

I am usually the first one to start planning a massive theme party for my birthday but this year is different. We are off to Hawaii on Sunday for my sister in law's wedding so I will be celebrating my birthday in a different way!

But for today I am going to insist on being completely spoiled and loved at all times. Let the Happy Birthday comments commence!

Mrs. E

Monday, March 19, 2012

Movie Madness

I have been intensly lazy lately. I have not uploaded a video in months! I am sure you are all wondering why.... I don't know. I have absolutely no excuse. I think that it is just one of those items that kept getting pushed to the back burner.

Please take special note of the video of Syd walking. We are so proud of her!

Mrs. E

100 Things Item #32: 365 Pictures In One Year ~ Fifth Edition

~ March 16, 2012 - What's in there? ~

~ March 17, 2012 - A very cranky shopping trip ~

~ March 18, 2012 - Tiny Toes ~

Mrs. E

Glitzy Bachelorette Manicure

Saturday night was a blast!

A couple that Dave and I are good friends with are getting married in Mexico in May. We can't wait to go down and celebrate with them. But in the meantime, we got to enjoy their stag and stagettes! They are living in LA now and came back into town for the parties. It was so good to see them!

I thought it only appropriate to have a glitzy manicure to celebrate my friends from Glitzy LA.

Colors: Nicole by OPI in Rainbow in the S-Kylie & Essie in Size Matters

Mrs. E

Sydney's Toddler Style

I feel like I am constantly shopping for new clothes for Syd. She grows at an alarming rate so we are always trying to keep her wardrobe organized and up to date.

She was given a gift card to Joe for her Birthday. My dad knew that one of the things we spend the most money on for her is clothing so he wanted to make sure we had a little help.

Sydney and I hit the ground running on Saturday morning. We were up, fed and out of the house by nine thirty. We went to buy a few essentials for our upcoming trip and then we hit Joe for our mini shopping spree! Everytime I picked something up that I thought Sydney would like, she would grab it from me, hug it and toss it behind her into the cart. So cute. This girl is already a clothes lover...

Here are a few of the outfits I put together for her:

Mrs. E