
Monday, March 19, 2012

Sydney's Toddler Style

I feel like I am constantly shopping for new clothes for Syd. She grows at an alarming rate so we are always trying to keep her wardrobe organized and up to date.

She was given a gift card to Joe for her Birthday. My dad knew that one of the things we spend the most money on for her is clothing so he wanted to make sure we had a little help.

Sydney and I hit the ground running on Saturday morning. We were up, fed and out of the house by nine thirty. We went to buy a few essentials for our upcoming trip and then we hit Joe for our mini shopping spree! Everytime I picked something up that I thought Sydney would like, she would grab it from me, hug it and toss it behind her into the cart. So cute. This girl is already a clothes lover...

Here are a few of the outfits I put together for her:

Mrs. E

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