
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Learning Opportunity

Last Sunday I was invited to a photography workshop by a good friend of mine Conni of Constance Pohl Photography. She has started an offshoot of her photography business called Heart of the Image with another fabulous photography friend Lisa Lacroix.

I had a fantastic time spending an afternoon learning how to use the Canon that we have had forever! I have always used it to take our photos but I have never been brave enough to take automatic. We spent three valuable hours going over photography basics such as apurture, shutter speed and ISO. The information I recieved was invaluable!

I walked away from the workshop feeling like I may actually be able to figure this photography thing out! The girls delivered the information in a manner that made it far less overwhelming for the beginner shutterbug.

Here are a few pics I managed to snap. One of some flowers and a couple of Conni's sweet little girl Adelle... she is seriously one of the loves of my life.

Mrs. E

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