
Friday, April 27, 2012

100 Things Item #32: 365 Pictures In One Year ~ Ninth Edition

A note about these photos: The 365 photo challenge has been hard for me. I really only see Sydney for about an hour and a half each evening during the week. As a result, she is usually in her PJ's by the time I get around to taking her picture. I am starting to find all of the photos a bit boring. I am going to make more of an effort to mix things up. Wish me luck!

~ April 20, 2012 - Yum! Easter Eggs! ~

~ April 21, 2012 - Grandma Love ~

~ April 22, 2012 - A bad picture by mom ~

~ April 23, 2012 - Photo by Dad ~

~ April 24, 2012 - Testing out the new shoes and Trunki ~

~ April 25, 2012 - Playing with the tickle mitts ~

~ April 26, 2012 - Walking in the hallway ~

Mrs. E

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