
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Long weekends are amazing. It means more time spent with family and loved ones and another excuse to get out of town. I home you all had a great Easter. Ours was amazing.

Sydney was way to tiny to even think of doing anything last year, so this was the first time that the Easter bunny paid her a visit. We hid big plastic eggs all over the living room and she had so much time finding all of them. She would crawl over to one, pick it up, hold it in the air and yell "Dad!" Which meant, "please put this in the basket for me so that I can move on."

Here are a few photos from that morning:


~ Sydney's Easter Basket ~

~ Very obvious hiding spots for the eggs ~

~ Picking up eggs with Papa ~

~ Look I have two! ~

~ Digging into the Easter basket ~

~ Testing out a Peep ~

~ Yellow faces... ~

~ ... And sticky fingers ~

~ Papa got a little bit silly ~

Mrs. E

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