
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Holy Exhaustion

I. Am. Exhausted.

We made it home from Hawaii this morning. The week away was fantastic and exhausting at the same time and the trip home was insane. We landed in Edmonton at around 8:15 this morning after flying all night. Sydney was amazing as usual but it does not make the travel any less tiring.

We left at around 7pm Hawaii time and arrived in Calgary at around 4:30am after almost 6 hours in the air. We then transferred over to our little Calgary to Edmonton flight but were delayed on the tarmac while we waited to be de-iced. When we finally got home I hoped into a cab and went straight to work. I sit here now doing everything in my power to stay awake.

Our year of travelling has just begun. We leave for Lethbridge this Friday to visit my dad for Easter and then in a month we are off to Mexico for another wedding. I am seriously tempted to leave everything packed in the suitcases and just stack them in a corner.
Here are a few things that I learned about travelling with Sydney from this trip:
~ Have a continuous supply of snacks on the plane
~ She will only sleep in the Ergo carrier and only if it is on me (not daddy)
~ She does not like to sit in one spot for long periods of time
~ Books are the ultimate in entertainment
~ It always helps to have as many people as possible to help (Thank you Dave's parents!)
~ Make friends with the flight attendants, they will make your life easier
~ Learn the emergency procedures with a baby
~ Always know which bathroom has the change table in it
~ Ensure a constant supply of milk
~ Take everything as it come ans always STAY CALM!

It is twice as hard travelling with a baby but there are ways to make it easier. We tried to maintain some sort of routine and we realized that on a flight it is all about what makes her happy and not what we want to happen.

To all of those with little ones who are thinking of doing a lot of travelling... Good Luck!

Mrs. E

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