
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sick Babies

Last week was a rough one for Sydney.

Our poor little one had a very high fever last week. When I left for work in the morning I though she felt a little warm. I mentioned it to David and left the house. That afternoon I got a very worried call from David. With Sydney screaming in the background he told me that he needed me. He didn't know what to do for her and her fever was up around 103F.

I called the paediatrician and got her a quick appointment and left work to meet him there. Under normal circumstances I would have just gone home to help... but we had just flown in from Mexico. After a quick visit we were told that she had baby measles and that there was not much we could do or her.

We got her home and I spent hours cuddled in bed holding her. She would only sleep on me and only wanted to be held by me. Her fever finally broke at around 10pm that night and the measles never showed up.... what a mystery illness!

The only positive thing about having a sick baby is all of the sleepy cuddles that you get. :)

Mrs. E

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