
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Too Busy To Breathe

I have gone into mommy overload.

Lately, it is everything I can do to keep on top of the things that are piling up on my to do list. Between the SEVEN weddings that I am attending this year, the travel, Dave's Ironman training, the Kids of Steel Triathlon that I am organizing, full time work, parenting, being a wife, and helping out with our family foundation, I have zero time to myself.

I am seriously experiencing mommy burnout. I can't help but think that this would be so much easier for me if I was working part time. The problem is finding something that still pays well. I am also super attached to many of my co-workers and would have a very tough time leaving them.

All in all, life is pretty crazy right now. I can only hope that it starts to slow down sometime soon. I would love to stop being that asshole friend who cancels on everyone and has no time to hang out. Soon...

Mrs. E

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