
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What it Means to be a Mom

I love being a mom.

When I think about all of the things that I looked forward to about being a mom, I now realize that they were only the beginning. I have spent the last 15 months raising an incredible little girl. We have had good days and bad and I have learned more than I ever thought possible.

I love being a mom. Being a mom means that I get an endless number of kisses and hugs. Being a mom means that I get to brag about my little girl whenever I want. I get to show off hundreds of pictures of her and tell every cute story. I get to have conversations on the phone with her that are comprised mostly of giggle and squeals of delight. I get to go home everyday knowing that I will be met with an incredible amount of excitement.

I love being a mom. It is the best job in the world and I cannot wait to do it full time.

Here are a few photos from my Mother's Day:

Mrs. E

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