
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Where Has My Brain Gone?

I feel like my brain function is slowly deteriorating.

Over the past few weeks I have been forgetting everything! I almost locked both sets of the keys in the car last night and I keep forgetting to complete simple tasks. This morning I forgot this little guy...

For those of you that know our Sydney... this is a very big deal. I dropped Sydney off and got about ten minutes away before I realized that Lammie was sitting on the front seat. Syd has become completely dependent on him to fall asleep. We never let her use him during the day but he is a crucial part of nap time and bed time. Today may be interesting for Conni....

Mrs. E

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. Research says, short term memory loss may be caused by some medications you take, sleep deprivation or stress. Just some advice, it would help if you eat regularly, drink hot beverages, take vitamins, or even play mental games, such as crossword puzzles or jigsaw puzzles.

    Diede School
