
Monday, July 9, 2012

An Incredible Mom

Every so often, I meet a mother (other than my own) who amazes me.

Being a parent is difficult. It is demanding an exhausting and you never quite know if you are doing the right thing. I know this and I am only a year and half into it. I can only imagine what parenting challenges the next few decades will hold for me. Being a parent is also the single most rewarding job in the entire world. It is worth every ounce of energy you put in and more. 

The amazing mom who I am speaking of is Sheila Findlay. She will drop anything to be with her kids and supports all three of them equally in their endeavors. It just so happens, that one of her children is going to the Olympics this summer. Proctor and Gamble have put together an incredible video about her and her daughter Paula. Be prepared with some kleenex... this one is a tear jerker. 

Mrs. E

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