
Monday, July 9, 2012

Our House - Design Decisions

I have been so excited to make our new house our home. 

When you move into a new house there are always so many things that you can't wait to change. I had a listed of changes I wanted to make before we had even signed all of the paperwork! The first problem was that the ENTIRE house was beige. I am not talking about one or two things... I mean everything! The walls the carpet, the lino, the cupboards, the trim, the doors, the outside.... everything. We fixed that problem by painting the walls a beautiful soft grey:

~ Natural Grey - Behr ~

It took a lot of time and effort, but it is almost completely finished. We still have to paint the washrooms and the stairwell but that will come with time. 

David is at home today painting all of the trim and baseboards with his mom. She is a teacher and is on summer holidays now so she has been a huge help. We decided to go with a warm white:

~ Picket Fence - Martha Stewart ~

I can't wait to get home today to see it! 

Slowly but surely the house is becoming our own. I will post photos and more progress reports as we go along. But for now... I can't wait to get home to see the progress that has been made!

Mrs. E

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