
Friday, July 27, 2012

Our House ~ Reflecting on the Past

We have been in our new home for over a month now and we have been so busy with new home projects that we haven't really had time to reflect on our time in the condo. 

We loved that home. It was our first piece of real estate and our first home as a couple. We got married while we lived there, returned home to that place after long trips, we had Sydney there..... We had so many great moments in that place. Looking back at some of my favorite moments in that condo, some of them really stand out in my mind. 

~ Hosting our first dinner on our second night in the condo
~ Inviting friends over for our annual Eliuks and friends Christmas Dinner and gift exchange
~ Putting together all of the pieces for our wedding
~ Coming home as a married couple for the first time
~ Finding out we were pregnant with Sydney
~ Crazy birthday celebrations with friends (special mention to my joint parties with Scott and the Poker Chicks surprise party)
~ My surprise baby shower
~ Building the nursery
~ Going into labor
~ Bringing Sydney home....

There are so many more but we would be here all day if I kept going. All in all it was an incredible space in which to live out three and a half years of our lives. I loved it and I will look back on that time with fond memories. 

Before we handed over the keys to the new owner we stopped by for one last good bye. It was great to get some closure and I think it helped Sydney with the transition into our new house. 

Here's to looking forward to fun and wonderful memories in our new home. 

Mrs. E

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