
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Where Are All of my Peeps?


I know I have a lot of lurker readers and followers out there because this blog is getting hits left, right and center! Where are all of my peeps? 

Follow me! And please.... don't hesitate to leave a comment or question at any time!

Mrs. E


  1. Hey,
    Just wanted to let you know I look forward to reading your blog every time I see and new post! I have been following you since you got pregnant!!
    Would like if you would follow our little family too!!
    Come stop in and take a look and some comments and become a follower :)

    1. Thank you so much Tanya! I follow your blog and love keeping up with Ethan!


  2. Hi!
    I was searching for something in the net when I came across to your lovely blog which I could not stop following ever since. Your creativity and efforts inspire me and I love to watch little Sydney grow up as I have a little boy of my own who just turn to 10 months. It makes me dream the ages that he will grow and do the things she does. You also gave me courage for many things like travelling a lot with a toddler and moving to a brand new home (again with a toddler)...So, thank you.

    By the way we live so far away from your country (in Istanbul - Turkiye)

    Çemen Kent Yalab

    1. Thank you so much Cemen! This means so much to me. Travelling with Sydney is always an adventure but every moment is worth it. I am honoured to have inspired you and wish you all of the luck in the world with your son and new home.

