
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mommy - Daughter Baking

I love and hate that Sydney is getting older all at the same time.

I still can't believe that we have a full on toddler ruling our house, but it is so much fun to watch her grow into a little person with so much personality. She has turned into a little parrot. She repeats almost EVERYTHING we say. It is super cute but it does mean that we have to mind our words more.

One of the fun things about Syd getting older is that she wants to get so much more involved in things going on around the house. The other day I was making some cupcakes for a dinner we were hosting. Sydney took one look at everything on the kitchen counter and she knew she had to get in there.

I pulled her up on the counter to see what was going on but that wasn't enough. She wanted to help pour and stir. So I put all of the ingredients in the bowl and let her go to town.

It was so awesome to see how the simplest thing was so exciting for her. Dave managed to sneak around the corner at some point and snap a few pictures.

She did get a little over excited at one point and fling cake batter all over the kitchen. I don't think that she understood that you can't stir cake batter with your eyes closed. it will always end up all over the place. 

Mrs. E

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